The Lost File: Why I Don’t Believe in Three Strikes and Why You Shouldn’t Either

Hi everyone, Ariana here. I found this post in my drafts and decided to post it. These were the thoughts of 21 year old Ariana, and today 24 year Ariana could not agree more. If you have an issue with giving people too many third, fourth, fifth, etc. chances, continue reading….

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What’s worse than (whatever semi horrible situation that isn’t truly horrible)? I don’t know, but being given excuses over and over again for a “mistake” is pretty bad. Or even worse, someone making a “mistake” and not even saying anything about it.

Let me try to explain this clearer: I don’t believe in three strikes, or third chances.

I’m talking about in all situations in life, relationships, careers, everything.

If someone or something screws you over once, and then a second time, why would you want to stay around and wait for a third time to finally be “done”?

As time flies and the days are passing and I’m getting older, I’m really trying to look at my future and where I want to be. I don’t have many regrets in life, but the ones I may contemplate on if I regret them or not are the times I gave a three or more strike policy for situations that were not in my favor or for people who did not have my feelings on their radar and were acting in their best interest and not mine.

Maybe I was too naïve and too nice to realize people only cared and care for themselves and not others as much as I thought. It’s sad it took me 21 years to realize, but a two strike policy is the best think I have adapted into my life.

Why should any relationship I’m in be one sided? I’m done with one sided relationships. I will not go out of my way for those who will never return the favor.


Yours truly,

xx Ariana

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